Tuesday, June 5, 2012

An interview with Byron Donalds, candidate for Congress (FL)

I am so pleased to find a fresh new crop of folks who appear to be well-grounded and firmly principled conservatives running for office in 2012. It is especially gratifying to see so many young blacks stepping forward as Republicans and conservatives to take as stand against the Democrat Party and Barack Obama’s constant race baiting.

Here in Minnesota we have Chris Fields challenging far-left Congressman Keith Ellison. In Utah, Mia Love looks to be an outstanding Congressional candidate who will bring fresh ideas to Washington. In Florida, candidate for Senate Deon Long appears to be solidly conservative, and Byron Donalds, running for U.S. Representative, also has his feet firmly planted in conservative principles.

Recently, I had opportunity to interview Byron Donalds. Donalds is running for Congress from Naples, Florida, “because he still believes in the power of the American people and the future of the American dream,” as his Web site says.

On limited government

When I asked Donalds about “limited government” and its implications for Americans, he pulled no punches. He said that he believed “the federal government” should be “restrained by a detailed list of powers” as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. The federal government, Donalds went on, “should do only what the States and the people lack [the] ability to do” for themselves. Furthermore, he said, the government in Washington “must not decide to do things that the States have chosen not to do.”

“Limited government,” Donalds stated clearly, “in not only important to Americans, it is important to the liberty of all men. An intrusive government erodes liberty….” and it is liberty that, in the final analysis, “creates economic prosperity.”

On free markets

Donalds is affixed in the free market camp. He understands that only the free market offers the best of opportunities to “all people” and the fairest exchange of “the fruits of [their] labor” for the goods and services they need or desire. He also clearly articulated to me that the most broadest opportunity for save and “accumulate” wealth for upward economic mobility also rests on free market principles. He is convinced that only the free market can create lasting jobs and the kind of durable economic growth that will be necessary to pull the U.S. out of its mountain of debt.

He said that the government should refrain from being “a player”—unduly influencing—the free market.

On monetary policy

Equally sound is Donalds’ position on monetary policy. He stated that “the Fed” (Federal Reserve Bank) should have one—and only one—“mandate.” That is to supply the nation with “a stable currency.” The Fed, he stated flatly, should “have nothing to do with controlling inflation.”

On being effective when in office

The candidate articulated a clear method for becoming a change agent in Washington after his election. He clearly recognizes that “the only way [to bring about] real change is [to have] the will of the people behind you.” It is “the will of the people” that allows an officeholder to “resist the political establishment” once inside the beltway.

Like Ronald Reagan, Donalds sees the need for being “clear and frank with the voting public” and that means “consistency” in both “message” and “effort.” As a political pragmatist, he enunciated how the Left (e.g., progressives, liberals) have invested 100 or more years of relatively consistent energy in dragging America into its present economic and political morass. Therefore, overnight change will not be possible, but the change must begin today—before it’s too late.


My brief interview with Byron Donalds revealed to me a bright, articulate and principled young man with a strong will and the kind of message that I believe can and will galvanize support for the kind of conservative change that these United States need so desperately right now.

If you would like to learn more about Donalds candidacy and his positions, please visit http://www.byrondonalds.com/. Offer your support and, if you live in Florida, offer to be boots on the ground. I know a good campaign can always use more volunteers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your report on Byron Donalds. He is a wonderful candidate and is an incredible person too!

For more information on Byron, please see these URL's.

•Byron Donalds is the only candidate in this race who can boast of over 250 committed grassroots volunteers.
•He has won 3 forum straw polls by wide margins and the News-Press Poll. http://www.news-press.com/article/20120609/NEWS0107/120609014
•Byron Donalds has been endorsed by Constitutional Scholar Andrew Joppa, retired professor of Mercy College in NY on the air with Bob Harden here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmtgXtmITHs&feature=relmfu.
•He spoke at the Save America Foundation meeting a few weeks ago to a standing ovation. You can hear that speech here http://watchdogwire.com/florida/video/byron-donalds-running-florida-congressional-district-19/.
•Donalds has been endorsed by GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House). GOOOH is a non-partisan movement to elect citizen legislators, enact term limits and remove special interest influence. Byron was selected for endorsement based upon a vetting process of more than 300 citizens who selected him over other candidates in the race. See the endorsement here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJgP5G3S7wM&feature=player_embedded.
•Donalds has also gained the attention of and is being supported by Herman Cain as the Fair Tax candidate. See the article here http://cainsolutionsrevolution.com/S=65e320e40764884a1fd28eee98e5418616df6d5a/news/florida-candidate-now-a-cain-lieutenant.
•He has just received notice that he is a Liberty Takeover 2012 endorsed Candidate. You can see that endorsement here http://www.examiner.com/article/byron-donalds-liberty-candidate-for-u-s-congress.

Do you want a real conservative? Then you want Byron Donalds! www.byrondonalds.com